402-16 FH: Measuring Family Health: Associations Between Family Health and Socioeconomic Status

Quenla Haehnel
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
Session #
Session Type
Poster Session
Session Focus
  • Research
Organized By
  • Families & Health

About the Session

Poster Session 1: Assessing Family Health and Well-Being

Presenters: Quenla Haehnel, Ali Crandall

Family health can be a good indicator of the wellbeing of communities, as the family is the basic unit of society. Although there is current literature that shows the relationship between socioeconomic status and individual health, there exists no studies directly tied to family health. The current study aims to examine the relationships between family health and both objective and subjective socioeconomic status. Data were collected from a large representative sample of 1,050 adults via an online Qualtrics survey using the Family Health Scale and measures of socioeconomic status. Results showed positive associations between both subjective and objective socioeconomic status with family health, suggesting alternative solutions for policy and practice regarding socioeconomic factors in families.

-- Identify objective and subjective ways to measure socioeconomic status.
-- Explore how objective and subjective measures of socioeconomic status may differentiate between their effects on family health.
-- Discuss the relationship between family health and socioeconomic status.

Subject Codes: poverty, family functioning, relationship quality
Population Codes: inclusive of adults, diverse but not representative, U.S.
Method and Approach Codes: quantitative methodology, structural equation modeling (SEM), latent variable modeling

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