408-55 AFS: Policy in Action: Applying Adolescent Research to Defend When the Voting Age Should Be

Timothy Ottusch
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
Session #
Session Type
Poster Session
Session Focus
  • Practice
Organized By
  • Advancing Family Science

About the Session

Poster Session 5: Emerging/Young Adulthood

Presenter: Timothy Ottusch

This study's goal was to assess student's perspectives on the inclusion of a paper in an adolescent development class devoted to using adolescent and developmental research to argue when the voting age should be. The paper asked students to compare what their initial ideas of the voting age before the class, and then again after covering adolescent developmental research. It allowed them to defend what they think thought the voting age should be, backing it up using research. An anonymous survey was given the in final two weeks of the course. Students reported the paper helped them think about how research applies to policies, supported their learning of adolescent development, and made them critically think. Implications for future implementation in adolescent and other family science courses are included.

-- To evaluate the implementation of a policy paper into a family science course.
-- To analyze student perspectives on the implementation of a paper on arguing the voting age in an adolescent development course.
-- To demonstrate how a policy may be reviewed in a family science course.

Subject Codes: education, society, decision making
Population Codes: Family Scientists, educators, adolescence
Method and Approach Codes: scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), pedagogy, educational

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