432-248 AFS: Exploring the Use of Learning Analytics to Provide Effective Personalized Feedback at Scale

Silvia K. Bartolic
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
Session #
Session Type
Poster Session
Session Focus
  • Research
Organized By
  • Advancing Family Science

About the Session

Poster Session 5: Teaching in the Academic Setting

Presenters: Silvia Bartolic, Lisa Chang

As class sizes continue to grow and students' needs are diversifying, instructors struggle to provide personalized feedback to students due to limited time and available resources. The use of learning analytics has been poised to address this concern by increasing student engagement, enhancing academic achievement, and identifying at-risk students early (Fritz, 2017, Ifenthaler, Mah, & Yau, 2019; Vigentini et al., 2017). The goals of this session are to 1) describe a learning analytic tool that can be used to provide personalized feedback at scale, 2) present student and faculty perceptions of what consititutes effective feedback and 3) present student perceptions on the usefulness of this tool for strengthening the instructor-student relationship, increasing motivation to participate and further engage with course materials and improve performance.

-- Describe key components of effective feedback
-- Gauge the efficacy of a learning analytics tool to provide personalized feedback at scale for use by instructors
-- Explore the impact of the tool on student engagement and perceptions of the instructor-student relationship

Subject Codes: education, technology, communication
Population Codes: emerging/young adulthood, undergraduate students, educators
Method and Approach Codes: scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), pedagogy, mixed-methodology

Bundle name
Conference Session