Member news: faculty promotion, mentorship award

Members: We want to share your news!

While we try to collect member news from around the web, we also invite members to submit news and announcements about themselves or other members — professional promotions, awards, job changes, involvement in a notable project or event, recognition for outstanding work, etc. — so that we can share with our membership.

Fill out our webform to let us know!

In the latest member news...

  • Anthony B. Walker, Ph.D., assistant professor and program director of human development and family studies at Indiana State University, has received an award of appreciation for mentorship of undergraduate researchers from ISU's Center for Student Research & Creativity.

  • Kristi Williams, Ph.D., incoming editor of NCFR's Journal of Marriage and Family, has been promoted to full professor of sociology at The Ohio State University.

Congratulations to our members on their hard work and accomplishments!

Again, fill out our webform to share your good news with us!