NCFR Résumé and Curriculum Vitae Review Program

You want your résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) to stand out to employers when you're searching for a new position.

Get valuable feedback through NCFR's Résumé and Curriculum Vitae Review Program — exclusively for NCFR members — to help make sure your CV or résumé is the best it can be.

The résumé/CV review program is meant to help Family Science students, new professionals, and professionals develop an effective résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) using feedback from seasoned reviewers (who are also NCFR members). Any NCFR member may submit their document to the review program to receive a review.

Here's How It Works

  1. Submit your résumé or CV during one of the annual submission periods, using the submission webform. In addition to uploading your Word document, you'll provide brief information about:
    1. your current professional or student status;
    2. the employment settings and roles/positions to which you plan to apply for jobs; and
    3. any specific feedback you're looking for.
  2. Based on your specific situation and needs, your document will be matched to 1-2 experienced NCFR members for review. Reviewers are professional members of NCFR who currently work with résumé & CV pedagogy or evaluation in other capacities. They are committed to providing quality feedback about your document's content, formatting, structure, appearance, and more.
  3. Reviewers conduct their reviews and send their documented feedback back to NCFR.
  4. NCFR sends you the feedback from your reviewers approximately one month after the end of the submission period.

Submit Your Résumé or CV

What's a Résumé? What's a CV?

  • Résumé: a short document describing education, work history, etc., given to an employer when applying for a job; typically used for jobs outside academia and scientific research
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV): an account of one’s career and qualifications prepared by an applicant for a position, typically submitted for jobs in academia and scientific research

Review Program Submission Periods

Winter Cycle:

  • Jan. 2–16: Résumé/CV submissions accepted
  • Jan. 22 – Feb. 12: Review period
  • Feb. 15: Participants receive their feedback

Spring Cycle:

  • April 19 – May 6: Résumé/CV submissions accepted
  • May 13 – May 30: Review period
  • June 3: Participants receive their feedback

Fall Cycle:

  • Aug. 1 – Aug. 15: Résumé/CV submissions accepted
  • Aug. 20 – Sept. 10: Review period
  • Sept. 16: Participants receive their feedback

Apply to Be a Reviewer

If you're interested in becoming a reviewer for this program, learn more below about the reviewer role and complete the reviewer application form.

Apply to Be a Reviewer

Please note: There may be times when NCFR is not recruiting new reviewers and the reviewer application webform is closed.

Basic reviewer eligibility criteria:

  • You are a current professional member of NCFR
  • You currently work with résumé & CV pedagogy or evaluation, e.g., as a student advisor, internship program coordinator, hiring manager
  • You have an advanced degree in Family Science (preferred)

Reviewer timelines:

  • Winter Cycle:
    • Jan. 22: Résumés/CVs sent to reviewers 
    • Feb. 12: Your reviews due back to NCFR
  • Spring Cycle:
    • May 13: Résumés/CVs sent to reviewers 
    • May 30: Your reviews due back to NCFR
  • Fall Cycle:
    • Aug. 20: Résumés/CVs sent to reviewers 
    • Sept. 10: Your reviews due back to NCFR

Thank You!

Thank you to all the reviewers who volunteer their time to provide feedback for the Résumé and Curriculum Vitae Review Program. Without their support, NCFR would not be able to offer this valuable career development program for our members.