Latino(a) Research Focus Group

Best Student Posters

2023 Recipient

Deziah Bermudez, M.S., Florida State University 
"Ethnic-Racial Socialization, Ethnic-Racial Identity, Neighborhood Conditions, Perceived Discrimination, and Depressive Symptoms in Latinx Adolescents" 


The Best Student Poster Award is a way to recognize work done by student participants at NCFR as it relates to Latino research which is in line with the Latino(a) Research focus group’s mission of supporting and sharing research about Latino/as and/or Latino families.


The award recipient is presented with a certificate. The award is presented at the Latino(a) Research focus group meeting at the NCFR Annual Conference.


  • Student must be the lead in the study.
  • The study must be about Latino families or about outcomes affecting Latinos.
  • The proposal must have been accepted for presentation at the upcoming NCFR Annual Conference.

Nomination/application process

All who meet the above criteria are invited to submit a copy of their proposal for review.


May 1: Nomination deadline. Submit all materials to the Latino(a) Research focus group co-chairs
July 31: The recipient is notified by this date

Committee structure

The co-chairs of the Latino(a) Research focus group serve as committee chairs. The other committee member will include a former Latino(a) Research focus group chair.