Tips for Public Policy Involvement 101
In this introductory webinar, Marlene Lobberecht, MS, CFLE, will discuss basic public policy information, including how to get involved, the difference between advocacy and lobbying, and 10 of the 11 advocacy levels, with specific tips to help the novice become a more professional issue advocate.
On-Demand Webinar Recording and Classroom Use
Even if you can't watch this webinar live, your registration will still grant you access to watch the recording at your convenience. This webinar is now free for NCFR members and Certified Family Life Educators (CFLEs), and $89 for nonmembers.
License for classroom use by one professor is available for $129 for NCFR members, $199 for nonmembers.
License for departmental use (multiple professors) is available for $179 NCFR member / $319 nonmember.
Departmental license for CFLE-approved programs is $149.
Purchase A Webinar For Classroom Use